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CIT Kokrajhar | Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar

CIT Kokrajhar: The Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR) has only two engineering colleges, one is the Central Institute of Technology in Kokrajhar, and another one is Bineswar Brahma Engineering College (BBEC) in Kokrajhar. In this article we’re going to talk about Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar (CITK).

The Central Institute of Technology (CIT) in Kokrajhar is a deemed university founded on 19 Dec 2006, as part of the BTC agreement 2003. It’s the only deemed university in the engineering field in Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR). The Central Institute of Technology in Kokrajhar district is also known as CIT.

Central Institute of Technology

CIT Kokrajhar Overview

CIT Kokrajhar Logo
College Name
Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar
Other Name
CITK Kokrajhar
College Type
Deemed University
December 2006
Govt of India
Gauhati University
Approved By
State Technical Board/AICTE/University.
Official Website

CIT Kokrajhar | Central Institute of Technology

CIT Kokrajhar

Central Institute of Technology (CIT), Kokrajhar is situated in Kokrajhar District of Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR) of Assam near Bodoland University. CITK has been established for the basic objective of fulfilling the aspirations of the Bodo People relating to their cultural identity, language, education and overall economic development of the region and to impart Bodo youths with requisite technological and vocational training to produce the required manpower to give the impetus to economic growth of this area and to integrate the Bodo People into the mainstream of Technical and Vocational Education.

CIT in Kokrajhar is a Centrally Funded Institute under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar was established on the 19th of December 2006. The genesis of this Institute was the memorandum of Settlement on Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) signed between the Assam Government, the Union Government and the Bodo Liberation Tigers, on February 10, 2003, in New Delhi. The Institute is an autonomous body registered under the Societies Registration Act., 1860 and functions under a Board of Governors (BOG).

CIT is mandated to impart Technical and Vocational Education such as Information Technology, Bio-Technology, Food Processing, Rural Industries, Business Management, etc. as part of the concerted efforts being made by the Government of India and the Government of Assam to fulfill the aspirations of the Bodo people. It is thus envisioned to acquire a unique place in the field of technical education in the country through its modular and innovative academic programmes.

CIT Kokrajhar Courses

The first batch of students was admitted in Diploma Module in 2006. Currently CIT offers Diploma courses in-

  1. Computer Science Engineering (CSE),
  2. Control and Instrumentation (CAI),
  3. Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE),
  4. Food Processing Technology (FPT),
  5. Construction Technology and
  6. Animation and Multimedia.

The degree programme was started in CIT in 2009. At present the degree programmes offered by CIT are in-

  1. Computer Science and Engineering,
  2. Electronics and Communication Engineering,
  3. Instrumentation Engineering,
  4. Food Processing Technology,
  5. Civil Engineering(Construction Technology) and
  6. Information Technology.

CIT Kokrajhar Staff

Director of Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar Prof. A. SrinivasProf. A. Srinivas

CIT Kokrajhar Admission

The Central Institute of Technology in Kokrajhar admission process was completed for the academic season 2023-24. The CITK Entrance Examination 2023 for admission is scheduled for 18 June 2023 (for Diploma, UG and PG courses), and 25 June 2023 for PhD courses. If you want to know about the complete details regarding admission process in CIT Kokrajhar, check:

CIT kokrajhar Admission 2023-24

CIT Kokrajhar Address

Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar – 783370, Assam, India

CIT Kokrajhar Recruitment 2023

The Central Institute of Technology (CITK) has released various recruitment notification under the CIT Kokrajhar. Check the details regarding Kokrajhar CIT Recruitment 2023-

  1. CIT Kokrajhar Recruitment 2023 For Professor and Associate Professor 
  2. CIT Kokrajhar Senior Research Fellow Recruitment 2023
  3. Internal Audit Officer Recruitment at CIT Kokrajhar 2023

Important Website Links

Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar Official Website
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CIT Kokrajhar Photos

Images of Central Institute of Technology in Kokrajhar has been shared below:

FAQs About Central Institute of Technology in Kokrajhar

1. Is CIT Kokrajhar government or private?

Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar is Government Institute. It is a Centrally Funded Institute under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

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