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BTC Kokrajhar Announces Cash Award and Incentive to Meritorious Students

Last updated on January 5th, 2024 at 12:21 pm

BTC Cash Award and Incentive to Meritorious Students

Love studying and belong to the Bodoland, aka BTR, or from the four districts, Kokrajhar, Chirang, Baksa, and Udalguri of Assam. If you get selected in the below-listed institutions/universities for further studies passing the competitive exams, then the BTC govt has a special GIFT.

Yes, the special gift is Financial Assistance. The Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) govt has announced cash awards and incentives for meritorious students of Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR) for 2021-22 to appreciate their hard work and inspire them further.

BTC govt has been giving this financial assistance of cash awards and incentives to students every year.

BTC Financial Assistance Official Notification

The Education Department in BTC, Kokrajhar, has announced the Cash Award and Incentive to the meritorious students of the BTR area for the year: 2021-22 as per the BTC order no. DE/BTC/Acctts-229/Pt-I (HS)/2016/56, dtd. 30th Jan 2022.

BTC cash award incentive students

BTC Cash Awards to Meritorious Students Highlights

Financial Assistance to Meritorious Students |
Cash Awards and Incentive to Meritorious Students
Awarded by
BTC govt Kokrajhar
Applicable to
Residents of BTR, namely four districts:
1. Kokrajhar, 2. Chirang, 3. Baksa, 4. Udalguri
Note: Tamulpur is now the five district of the BTR, but this district is not included in the current financial assistance scheme.
Start Date
30 Jan 2022
Last Date
13 Feb 2022

Types of Students who will receive the BTR Cash Award

So there are a lot of meritorious students but what type of students and for what purpose they will be awarded the financial assistance of cash and incentive are as follows:

  1. Aspiring engineers who get admission into IIT, NIT, and IIIT will be awarded.
  2. Aspiring doctors who get admission into MBBS and BDS will be awarded. 
  3. Students who get admission into NSD – National School of Drama
  4. Students who get admission into IISc – Indian Institute of Science
  5. Students who get admission into National Law School
  6. Students who get selected for Ph.D. study

BTC Kokrajhar Cash Award and Incentive Scheme Details

  1. Rs. 2 Lac (Rupees two lakhs) only will be awarded to each student who get admission in IIT (B.Tech) JEE passed.
  2. Rs. 2 Lac (Rupees two lakhs) only will be awarded to each student who gets admission in Medical students (MBBS/BDS).
  3. Rs. 1 Lac (Rupees One Lakh) will only be awarded to each student who gets admission to NIT.
  4. Rs. 1 Lac (Rupees One Lakh) only will be provided to each candidate/student who gets admission for pursuing a Ph.D. in the Govt./Recognized University having Registration.
  5. Students who Qualify UPSC Preliminary Examination will be given 1 Lac each student for preparation of the main examination.
  6. Rs. 1 Lac (Rupees One Lakh) only will be awarded to each student who gets admission in NDS.
  7. Rs. 1 Lac (Rupees One Lakh) only will be awarded to each student who gets admission in (IIIT).
  8. Rs. 1 Lac (Rupees One Lakh) only will be provided to each candidate/student of IISc.
  9. Rs. 1 Lac (Rupees One Lakh) only will be provided to each candidate/student of National Law School.

How to Apply?

The Interested and eligible candidates/students have to apply with relevant documents to the Director of Education, BTC Kokrajhar, within 7 days from the date of advertisement BUT the last date was extended to 13 Feb 2022.

Important Date

  1. Start Date: 30 Jan 2022
  2. Last Date: 13 Feb 2022

Though the last date is now over, the students who are preparing for the next year can take inspiration from this, and since this is the yearly process now if you prepare well and get admission to the above-listed institutions/universities, you will receive the cash award from the BTC government next year when they announce the BTC cash award and incentive for meritorious students 2022-23.

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