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Pre Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class ix and x) 2023 – All India

Last updated on September 14th, 2023 at 03:03 pm

Pre matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class ix and x) 2023: The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt of India has invited applications from deserving Scheduled Caste students who are studying in classes ix and x.

Pre matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class ix and x) 2023 Overview

SC Scholarship 2023 Assam: A brief overview of SC Pre Matric Scholarship 2023 has shared below:

Name of the Scholarship
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SCs and Others for the year 2023-24
Launched By
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt of India
Applicable To
SC Students (All India)
Studying Class in ix and x
Application Start Date
Application Last Date
Application Mode
Official Website
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Pre matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class ix and x) 2023 Notification

Pre Matric Scholarship Schemes for SC in Assam: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt of India is inviting eligible candidates for Financial Assistance to SC students and Children of Parents/Guardians engaged in Unclean and hazardous Occupations candidates under the Assam pre-matric scholarship scheme 2023.

The Government of India is inviting the eligible students for two centrally Sponsored Schemes:

i. Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC Students and
ii. Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme for children whose parents/guardians are engaged in unclean and hazardous occupations since 1 July 2012 and 1 April 1977.

Pre Matric Scholarship Assam 2023: The Scheme aims to support, through financial assistance those students who belong to Scheduled Castes and other disadvantaged categories for the education of their wards studying at the Pre-Matric stage so that their participation improves, the incidence of drop-out especially in the transition from the primary to the next level and elementary to the secondary stage is minimized, they perform better and have a better chance of progressing to the Post matric stage of education.

SC Pre Matric Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

SC Pre Matric Scholarship Eligibility: Only Indian Nationals are able to apply for these scholarships. To Apply for a Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students and a Pre-Matric Scholarship for Children of Parents/Guardians engaged in Unclean and hazardous Occupations must meet the eligibility criteria.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students Eligibility:

  1. The students should be studying in classes IX and X on a full-time basis.
  2. They must belong to a Scheduled Caste.
  3. Their Parent/Guardian’s income should not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh per annum.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for Children of Parents/Guardians engaged in Unclean and hazardous Occupations Eligibility:

  1. The students should be studying in classes I to X on a full-time basis
  2. There is no family income ceiling under this component of the Scheme.
  3. The scholarship will be admissible to the children/wards of parents/guardians who, irrespective of their caste/religion belong to one of the following categories;

a. Persons who are Manual Scavengers as defined under section 2(I) (g) of Manual Scavengers Act 2013
b. Tanners & Flayers;
c. Waste pickers and
d. Persons engaged in hazardous cleaning as defined in Section 2(I) (d) of Manual Scavengers Act 2013.

For the purpose of classification in this category, the eligible candidates will be required to
Submit a certificate from the District Social Welfare officer/ identified officer of the Local body/ Civic
Agency/any such authority as designated by State Government.

SC Pre Matric Scholarship Selection Process

SC Pre Matric Scholarship Selection Process: The Selection Procedures of the Pre Matric Scholarship for SC Students studying in Class 9 and 10 have not been mentioned in the advertisement published in Assam Tribune Newspaper Date: 10 Sept 2023

How to Apply Pre Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class ix and x) 2023?

SC Scholarship 2023 Assam Apply Online: Eligible students need to apply on their respective State Scholarship Portals. For the candidates from Assam.

Required Documents

  1. Students must have a valid Mobile number,
  2. Aadhaar Card (UID),
  3. Aadhaar seeded Bank Account,
  4. Income Certificate and
  5. Caste Certificate

Scholarship Amount

SSP Scholarship for SC Students Amount: The students will be given a consolidated academic allowance, as follows:

Day Scholar

  1. Rs.3500 per annum


  1. Rs. 7000 per annum (SC Students Studying in Classes 9 and 10)
  2. Rs. 8000 per annum (Children of Parents/Guardians engaged in Unclean and hazardous Occupations)

Important Dates

Application Start Date
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Application Last Date
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Important Website Links

Advertisement PDF
Directorate of Social Justice and
Empowerment, Assam Official Website
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
India Official Website
Assam State Scholarship Portal (SSP)
National Scholarship Portal (NSP)
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