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Bodo Sahitya Sabha | BSS 62 Annual Conference Starts from 23 Feb 2023

Last updated on June 24th, 2023 at 03:43 pm

Bodo Sahitya Sabha 2023: The 62nd annual conference of Bodo Sahitya Sabha 2023 will be held in Patgaon, Kokrajhar district of BTR, Assam, from 23-26 Feb 2023. Check details here.

About Bodo Sahitya Sabha

A brief history of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha (BSS in short), also known as Boro Thunlai Afad in the Boro language. The BSS Bodo Sahitya Sabha established on 16 November 1952 in the Kokrajhar district of Assam under the leadership of Joy Bhadra Hagjer. The founder and first president of the BSS, Joy Bhadra Hagjer, appointed Sonaram Thaosen as the first General Secretary.


The Boro Sahitya Sabha was founded to make overall development of the Bodo language, literature, and culture and to keep it free from any political ideology, communal feelings, and religious differences.

The Bodo Sahitya Sabha is the largest Literary organization of the Bodos, also known as the Guardian organization of the Boro community. Since its inception, Boro Sahitya Sabha has been struggling for the development of and survival of the Bodo language and literature. 

After rigorous movement of the BSS, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Assam, Bimala Prasad Chaliha, declared Bodo Language as the Medium of instruction for the primary level in the meeting held in the Kokrajhar high school playground on 18 May 1963. Since then, 18 May has been observed by the Bodo Sahitya Sabha as Bodo Medium Day (बर’ बिजों सान) every year. Thus, it can be said that “The history of Bodo Sahitya Sabha is the history of struggle.”

Bodo Sahitya Sabha Flag and Logo

Bodo Sahitya Sabha Logo

Symbol of Bodo Sahitya Sabha|Bodo Sahitya Sabha Logo|Flag| Emblem

The Bodo Sahitya Sabha has its symbol and emblem, which have their meaning and colour to signify the respective meaning of the symbol used in the emblem. Sharing the Bodo Sahitya Sabha’s Emblem meaning and colour in brief.

BSS Emblem Name
Open Book
Open Book image of Bodo Sahitya Sabha logo
There is an open book at the base where “Boro Rao Geolangthwng” is written. The Book signify the treasure of Knowledge.
Snana Mandir
Snana Mandir image of Bodo Sahitya Sabha logo
There is the “Snana Mandir” of the khaspur kingdom (at present in the District of Cashar, Assam) above the open book. The “Snana Mandir” signifies the symbol of the great Bodo Nation.
Khampha image of Bodo Sahitya Sabha logo
On both sides of the “Snana Mandir,” there is a ‘khampha’ (Pillar) on either side, the victory Tomb of Dimapur, which signify the symbol of the victorians great Bodo Nation.
Color on Emblem
Color image of bodo sahitya sabha logo
The sky blue is painted on the “Snana Mandir” and “Khampha”, which signify the universality as the sky embraces all the living beings in the universe without any differences.
Gasa image of bodo sahitya sabha logo
There is a “Gasa” (Light) in the middle of the emblem, which signifies the light source.
Peacock image of bodo sahitya sabha logo
There is a pea-cock, the National Bird of India, by the side of “Gasa”, which shall bear the significance of peace and integrity.

Bodo Sahitya Sabha Conference

The Bodo Sahitya Sabha (BSS) annually conducts an annual conference in different places. This year, the BSS will conduct the forthcoming annual conference at Kokrajhar from 23-26 Feb 2023.

62nd Bodo Sahitya Sabha conference 2023

Bodo Sahitya Sabha 2023 Date: The 62 Annual Conference of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha will be held from 23 to 26 Feb 2023 with colourful program in Kokrjahar district. The venue of the four-day program is Rani Khalaishree Fwthar, Patgaon, Kokrajhar district BTR, Assam.

The 62nd Central conference of Boro Sahitya Sabha will also include an exhibition, book fair and local food market.

Inaugurated of 62nd Annual Conference of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha 2023
Kokrajhar DC Varnali Deka inaugurated the Main Entrance Gate of the 62nd Annual Conference of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha yesterday at Rani Khalaishree Fwthar, Patgaon.
Other present (from left) were MLA Lawrence Islary, MLA Jayanta Basumatary, DC Varnali Deka, and BSS GS Prasanta Boro.
BSS Conference Invitation

It has the details of the guests, like Distinguished literary guests and guests of honour. Programme list, Bodo Sahitya Sabha Awards, Felicitation, Assam Gaurav Awardee, and Distinguished guests at the end.

Special Casual Leave for Govt Employees

The Assam govt. announced special casual leave for government employees from 23rd Feb 2023 to 26 Feb 2023 to the delegates, the state government employees/teachers who are going to participate in the 62nd annual conference of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha.

Here’s the casual leave notification issue by the GAD Assam Govt.

Photos of BSS 2023 Annual Conference

61st Bodo Sahitya Sabha conference 2022

The 61 annual conferences of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha were held in the Tamulpur district last year, 2022. The 3 days BSS conference was from 2-4 May 2022 at Gwjwn Fwthar, Kuchubari, Tamulpur, BTR, Assam.

The Open session of the conference was graced by the President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, as the Chief Guest, and many personalities and dignitaries were present in the program. Ram Nath Kovind would be the first president of India to attend the Bodo Sahitya Sabha conference. In the history of Boro Sahitya Sabha, this would be a proud moment.

President of India Ram Nath Kovind Attended the 61 Annual Conference of Bodo Sahitya Sabha

Bodo Sahitya Sabha Awards

Every year, Boro Sahitya Sabha give an award to deserving people in the below award categories:

  1. Rangsar Literary Award
  2. Someswari Brahma Literary Award
  3. Sanjarang Lakheswar Brahma Cultural Award
  4. Habraghat Award
  5. Swrbang Subung Bihuram Boro Award
  6. Dr Prafulla Dutta Goswami Memorial Award
  7. Subungthini Thandwi Bineswar Brahma Maoriya-Haoriya Award
  8. Award for Securing Highest Marks in Bodo MIL in the HSLC Exam
  9. Hangmashri Brahma Students Inspiration Award
  10. Bodo Medium Students Merit Award for HS Examination

Current President and GS of BSS

Shri Taren Boro is the current President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha, and Shri Prasanta Boro is the current General Secretary of Boro Sahitya Sabha. They were selected as President and General Secretary of BSS in 2016 for the session of 2016 to 2023.

List of President and General Secretary of BSS

BSS’s new president and the general secretary have been chosen in the current BSS conference for 2023-25. The same has been updated in the below details.

Bodo Sahitya Sabha President List

Bodo Sahitya Sabha President 2023: The first president of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha was Joy Bhadra Hagjer. He was the founding president and served BSS from 1952 to 1966. The current president is Prof. Surat Narzary, and he was selected recently during the Central Committee Body formation in the 2023 BSS conference held at Patgaon. Refer to the News here.

Joy Bhadra Hagjer
Late Joy Bhadra Hagjer, founder and first President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha
Dr. Surat Narzary - New President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha
Prof. Surat Narzary, current President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha.

The following is the president list of Boro Sahitya Sabha, who has been serving as president since its inception.

Sl. No.
President Name
Prof. Surat Narzary
2023 – 2025 (Current Term)
Shri Taren Boro
2016 – 2023
Dr. Kameswar Brahma
2008 – 2016
Brojendra Kr. Brahma
2002 – 2008
Daleswar Boro (Acting)
2000 – 2002 (August)
Bineswar Brahma
1996 -2000 (August)
Moni Ram Mochari
1993 – 1996
Kamal Kr. Brahma
1990 – 1993
Jogendra Kr. Basumatary
1983 – 1990
Ramdas Basumatary
1980 – 1983
Lakheswar Brahma
1977 – 1980
Ramdas Basumatary
1974 – 1977
Gauri Kt. Brahma
1968 – 1974
Satish Ch. Basumatary
1966 – 1968
Joy Bhadra Hagjer
1952 – 1966

Bodo Sahitya Sabha General Secretary List

The first General Secretary of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha was Sonaram Thaosen. He served BSS for the period between 1952 to 1956. The current GS is Mr. Nilakanta Goyary, and he was selected during the Central Committee Body formation in the current BSS conference 2023 held at Patgaon. Here’s the news of the same.

The following is the General Secretary list of Boro Sahitya Sabha since its inception, who are serving as GS.

Sl. No.
General Secretary Name
Mr. Nilakanta Goyary
2023 – 2025 (current term)
Prasanta Boro
2016 – 2023
Kamala Kt. Mochahary
2008 – 2016
Gobinda Basumatary
2005 – 2008
Rajen Khakhlary
2002 – 2005
Gopinath Borgoyary
1993 – 2002
Bineswar Brahma
1990 – 1993
Bihu Ram Boro
1977 – 1990
Raneswar Basumatary
1974 – 1977
Bihu Ram Boro
1971 – 1974
Tarun Phukan Basumatary
1968 – 1971
Gauri Kt. Brahma
1956 – 1968
Sonaram Thaosen
1952 – 1956

BSS Members

The Bodo Sahitya Sabha has a Central committee, a district committee in all districts of Assam, and different primary committees under respective districts of Assam. The Central Committee is the top committee of the BSS. However, each district and primary committee has its president, general secretary, and other members.

BSS Important Web Links

Bodo Sahitya Sabha Official Website
BSS Official Email Id

BSS Address

The Office address of Bodo Sahitya Sabha as shared by BSS on their Official website is shared below for your reference:

Head Office
Kokrajhar, BTAD (Assam)
Pin – 783370
Ph. & Fax No. – 03661-276528
Email –
Sub Office
J.B.Hagjer Bhawan
Nayanpur Road, Ganeshguri
Guwahati – 781006
Ph. & Fax No. – 0361-2203522
Email –
Cultural Complex Office
Socio Literary Cultural Complex
Bathouphuri , Garchuk , Ahomgaon
Guwahati – 35


1. Who is the New Present President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha 2023?

Prof. Surat Narzary, is the New Present President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha 2023.

2. Which bird is there in the emblem of Bodo Sahitya Sabha ?

Peacock is in the emblem of Bodo Sahitya Sabha.

3. Who was the first president of Bodo Sahitya Sabha ?

Joy Bhadra Hagjer was the first president of Bodo Sahitya Sabha.

4. When the Bodo Sahitya Sabha was formed ?

The Bodo Sahitya Sabha formed on 16 November, 1952.

5. Who was the first General Secretary of Bodo Sahitya Sabha ?

Sonaram Thaosen was the first General Secretary of Bodo Sahitya Sabha.

6. When is the Bodo Medium Day Celebrated?

Bodo Medium Day is celebrated on 18 May every year.

7. Who is the Current President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha?

Mr. Prof. Surat Narzary is the Current President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha. He was selected as the President of BSS in 2023 BSS conference Central Committee meeting.

8. Who is the Current General Secretary of Bodo Sahitya Sabha?

Mr. Nilakanta Goyary is the Current General Secretary of Bodo Sahitya Sabha. He was selected as the GS of BSS in 2023 BSS conference Central Committee meeting.

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