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Bodoland University Admission for Short Term Courses after 12th

Bodoland University Admission for Short Term Courses 2023: Diploma in Bodo language, Certificate course in Bodo Folk Dance & Music, and DTP writing in Devanagari Scripts. Last date to Apply is 25 May 2023.

Bodoland University Admission for Short Term Courses after 12th

If you have passed 12th or graduated, then there are short-term courses offered by Bodoland University that might interest you if you are interested in learning more about the Bodo community.

The Academic Registrar of Bodoland University has advertised admission notice for the short-term courses under the Department of Bodo & Centre for Bodo Studies. These courses are of 1 year, 6 months, and 3 months, mainly in learning the Bodo language, folk dance and music, and writing in Devanagari scripts.

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Short-term courses by Bodoland University List

Interested and eligible candidates can apply for admission to the below-mentioned Bodoland University’s short-term programs.

  1. One year Diploma course in Bodo Language (Fee Rs. 4780)
    Note: This course is meant for non-Bodo medium (English/Hindi) students who cannot either speak or write Bodo language)
  2. Six months Certificate course in Bodo Folk Dance and Music (Fee Rs. 3000)
  3. Three months DTP writing in Devanagari Scripts (Fee Rs. 3000)

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification: The minimum eligibility condition is 10+2 pass (Arts/Science/Commerce) and graduate.

How to Apply for Diploma and Certificate Courses in Bodoland University?

The process of applying for the Diploma, Certificate, and DTP writing courses at Bodoland University is Offline mode.

The application forms are available at the Office of the Centre for Bodo Studies at Bodoland University. Applicant can collect the same from the Office. The last date for submission of the application is 25 May 2023. You need to submit it offline at the center.

Important Date

Application Last Date25 May 2023

Important Website Link

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1. When is the last date to Apply for Diploma Course in Bodo Language in Bodoland University?

The last date to Apply for One year Diploma Course in Bodo Language in Bodoland University is 25 May 2023.

Also, there are other two short term program like Six months Certificate course in Bodo Folk Dance and Music and Three months DTP writing in Devanagari Scripts, which you can enroll for. The last date is same as Diploma course.

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