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Alayaron Film 1986 | First Bodo Feature Film

Last updated on December 11th, 2023 at 10:02 am

Alayaron Film 1986: The first Bodo feature film ‘Alayaron’ was released on 13 March 1986 featuring Amar Narzary and Rahila Brahma and was directed by Jwngdao Bodosa, a screenplay by Nilkamal Brahma and Hiramba Narzary, and music by Mahini Narzary.

People who were eagerly waiting to see Boro’s first film Aalaiaron there is good news for them. To know the complete details regarding Bodo’s first feature film Alayaron, do read this article till the end.

Alayaron Bodo Film 1986: Release Date, Caste, Re Premier

Bodo Film Name
Alayaron 1986
Release Date
13 March 1986
Amar Narzary
Rahila Brahma
Jwngdao Bodosa
Not Known
Bodosa Film Production

About Alayaron Film 1986

Good news for people who love to watch Bodo films. The film Alayaran, which was released in 1986, will be re-premier soon. The Alayaron Film won the 33rd National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Bodo in 1986.

Alayaron 1986

Alayaron is the first Bodo feature Film. It was released on 13 March 1986 at Ganga Talkies, Kokrajhar. The film was directed by Jwngdao Bodosa from a screenplay by Nilkamal Brahma and Hiramba Narzary. The story is based upon the short story Mwdwi Arw Gwlwmdwi, which was published by Sirinai Mandar in 1985 and written by Brahma himself. The movie stars Amar Narzary and Rohila Brahma played in leading roles.

Alayaron Film 1986 Songs

The film Alaiaran has a lot of melodious songs such as:

  1. Fwilao Bikayao,
  2. Angni be Dwngse Methai
  3. Nijwm Somao Jakang Pwiyw
  4. Be Songsaraon
  5. Habab Ada
  6. Ang Kwnayw

If you haven’t heard these songs from the movie Alayaron, then please click on this link to listen.

Watch Alayaron Bodo Film 1986

Alayaron Re-Premier at Bodofa Cultural Complex

ALAYARON” (The Dawn) is the first Bodo feature film. This movie won the National Award (Rajat Kamal) in 1986. You will be able to see the much-awaited Boro film “Alayaron” on 14 December 2023. This movie will be released as a re-premiere show on 10th December 2023 at Bodofa Cultural Complex in Kokrajhar BTR Assam.

Alaiaron Bodo Film Banner

Alayaron in a Digital Format

The negatives of two films in the Bodo language, Alayaron (1986) and Hagramayao Jinahari (1995) were recovered from the ADLABS FILMS PVT. LTD is located in Mumbai. The film, Alayaron was reborn and restored from the negatives within the dust-laden, rusty film cans, in October 2021. The negatives were scanned using the Lasergraphic Scan station before it was finally restored in the digital format.

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Bodo Feature Film Alayaron

FAQ’s About Alayaron Film 1986

1. Which was the first feature film in Bodo Language?

Alayaron was the first feature film in the Bodo language

2. Which Bodo film won the first-ever National Film Award?

Alayaron won the first National Film Award in 1986.

3. Who is the director of Alaiaron Bodo Film 1986?

The director of Alayaron Bodo Film 1986 is Jwngdao Bodosa.

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