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Kanakeswar Narzary Biography – Life & Work

Last updated on June 25th, 2024 at 05:32 pm

Kanakeswar Narzary Biography: Kanakeswr Narzary was an Indian Politician and the founder and General Secretary of the All Bodo Students’ Union (ABSU). He was born on 2 January 1943 at Tengagaon also known as Gwmwbil village under the Serfanguri Police Station of Kokrajhar District in the BTR Region of Assam.

Kanakesswar Narzary received the “Jawaharlal Nehru Lifetime Achievement Award” in 1999 in New Delhi.

Kanakeswar Narzary Biography: Key Facts

Full Name
Kanakeswar Narzary
Kanakeswar Narzary Image
Other Name
Politician, Founder General Secretary of ABSU
Date of Birth
2 January 1943
Place of Birth
Tengaigaon, Serfanguri, Kokrajhar
Narayan Narzary (Father)
Dwislung Narzary (Mother)
Hirabai Narzary
BA in Political science
Jawaharlal Nehru Lifetime Achievement Award 1999
Date of Death
12 October 2003
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Kanakeswar Narzary Founder General Secretary of ABSU

Kankeswar Narzary Early Life

Kanakeswar Narzary was born on 2 January 1943 at Tengaigaon village under Serfanguri police station of Kokrajhar district under Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR). He was the son of Narayan Narzary and Dwislung Narzary.

Kanakeswar Narzary Education

Kanakeswar Narzary started his early education at Gosainichina village. After passing the final examination of MV School he studied at Sapatgram Amalgamated Academy and passed his matriculation examination in 1963 then he passed his P.U examination in 1965 and BA in Political Science with honors from Kokrajhar College in 1968.

Kanakeswar Narzary Former Founder General Secretary of ABSU

Kanakeswar Narzary was an active member of the student organization since his school days. In 1967, he was associated with various meetings for the formation of the All Bodo Students Union. In the year, when All Bodo Students’ Union was formally formed, he became the General Secretary of the union. Thereafter, he became the Convenor of the Young Plains Tribal Council of Assam. Later on, he became the Convenor of the Progressive Plains Tribal Council of Assam. After continuing therefore some, he became the Convenor of the United Tribal Nationalist Liberation Front

Kanakeswar Narzary Birth Anniversary Observation

The The birth anniversary of the Former Founder General Secretary of ABSU Kanakeswar Narzary is celebrated every year to recall his contribution and dedication. He was born on 2 January 1943. He died on 12 October 2003 at the age of 60.

Like every year the 81st birth anniversary of All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) founder general secretary Kanakeswar Narzary was observed on 2 January 2024 at Tengaigaon village playground in Kokrajhar. Organized by ABSU, the union president Dipen Boro hoisted the organizational flag followed by a floral tribute by Narzary’s wife Hirabai Narzary.

Kanakeswar Narzary Sports Excellence Award

To provide financial support to the best sportsperson and encourage the young players of the BTR region, the BTR Govt honored the Kanakeswar Narzary Sports Excellence Award for best sportspersons consisting of a citation and a cheque of 1 lakh each in connection with the completion of the 3rd year of the BTR government.

Images of Kanakeswar Narzary

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